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Why is the pressure holding capacity of screw jacks stronger

Time:2023-12-26 Author:gh-jacks

Compared with hydraulic jacks, screw jacks have stronger pressure holding capacity, which is closely related to their internal structure. Today, we will take you to understand why screw jacks have stronger pressure holding capacity.

It should be noted that hydraulic jacks utilize the principle of hydraulic transmission, which operates through internal hydraulic oil circulation for lifting. From this perspective, hydraulic jacks must have good sealing to ensure that hydraulic oil is not squeezed out of the oil tank under high pressure. So hydraulic jacks are commendable for lifting low tonnage and short-term operations, but if they are left under heavy pressure for a long time, it is necessary to return and cause a decrease in pressure holding capacity, hydraulic oil loss, and thus bring significant safety hazards.

On the other hand, when we look at screw jacks, the internal structure of the screw jack is not hydraulic oil, but pure mechanical structure with no fluidity. During the lifting process, it relies entirely on the interaction force between machinery to complete the lifting of heavy objects. Therefore, screw jacks have extremely considerable pressure retention ability and can be used for supporting heavy objects for a long time. As long as the mechanical performance is good, There is no need to worry about a decrease in pressure holding capacity.



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