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Science Popularization on Hard Core Transmission of Mechanical Jack

Time:2023-01-05 Author:gh-jacks

The biggest feature of the jack is that it can transform a small force into a large force, which has the taste of four or two thousand pounds. How does the jack do this? Next, we will give you a simple science popularization.

We take the mechanical jack as an example. Most mechanical jacks use the screw transmission principle, which is actually very simple. It is a mechanical transmission that uses the engagement of the screw and nut to transmit power and motion. It is mainly used to convert rotary motion into linear motion and torque into thrust, thus saving labor.

When we repeatedly press the handle, the whole nut will spiral up around the screw, converting torque into thrust to push a few tons or even a dozen tons of weight up, which is the screw transmission principle of mechanical jack. If you want to know more about the hard core knowledge of mechanical jacks, you can pay attention to us at any time.



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