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Why is it so hard to use hydraulic jack in cold weather

Time:2022-10-21 Author:gh-jacks

As the temperature decreases, the performance of the hydraulic jack will also change. Friends who often use the jack should know that the more you use the jack in cold weather, the lower the efficiency. What is the reason for this?

The main reason for the poor performance of the hydraulic jack at low temperature is the hydraulic oil, because the hydraulic oil is the main transmission material inside the jack and plays the role of providing pressure. The viscosity of the hydraulic oil will change as the temperature changes. The higher the temperature, the thinner the hydraulic oil will be, and the lower the temperature, the more viscous the hydraulic oil will be. It is in this change that the performance of the hydraulic jack has changed.

The resistance of hydraulic oil with high viscosity at low temperature will increase, and it will be harder to pull it. Therefore, when the weather drops sharply, the hydraulic jack must be stored indoors. Maintaining the state of the hydraulic oil is the premise to ensure the smooth use of the hydraulic jack.



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