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How to ensure safety when jack lifts the vehicle

Time:2022-09-30 Author:gh-jacks

As the saying goes, details determine success or failure. So does the use of jacks. For the safe use of jacks, details are very important, especially for car mounted jacks. What details should we pay attention to when using jacks for vehicle jacking?

First of all, when jacking the car, you must turn off the car first and jack it at the correct position, otherwise the car will move out of the jack due to the vibration of the car engine during the jacking process, which will not only damage the car but also damage the equipment; In addition, the ground on which the equipment is placed must be flat, free of foreign matters and up to standard in hardness, otherwise it may be inclined, causing accidents; During the final jacking, all personnel on the vehicle must get off, otherwise overloading or shaking may occur, which is not conducive to the safety of jacking.

The above points are not easy to notice when using the jack at ordinary times. I hope you can pay more attention after reading to avoid accidents.



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