Guanhang Machinery

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The function of the pawl inside the rack jack

Time:2024-08-21 Author:gh-jacks

The role of the pawl inside the jack is very important, let's have a detailed understanding below.

Generally, there are claws inside the rack jack, and there are two claws. By adding a lever mechanism, it becomes a claw lever mechanism. One end of the claw is fixed to the handle pressure handle, and the other end meshes with the rack, making it convenient for users to perform mechanical movements.

The main function of the pawl inside the jack is to stop, and the lifting and lowering work of the jack is controlled by the pawl, which fixes the rack and prevents it from falling down. The presence of the pawl is a necessary component for this work, and it plays a very important role.

The above is the function of the pawl inside the rack jack. Its function cannot be underestimated, and it plays a very important role in the smooth use of the jack.



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