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Should the surface of the horizontal pneumatic jack be painted or sprayed with plastic

Time:2024-08-14 Author:gh-jacks

After the components of the horizontal pneumatic jack are assembled, the final process needs to be carried out: painting the surface of the jack. This is a method to protect the metal from oxidation and corrosion, and also to make the appearance of the jack more beautiful, generous, and eye-catching. Currently, there are two ways to paint the surface of the jack: one is spray painting, and the other is spray painting. What is the difference between these two methods?

Spray painting involves various processes such as oil removal, cleaning, rust removal, surface adjustment, phosphating, spraying, and drying. Finally, it is necessary to check the dryness of the paint film, the adhesion of the paint film, the color, gloss, and surface condition of the coating. Only qualified products can be sold after leaving the factory. However, the painting process is entirely manual and cost-effective, and the spraying process of workers is related to the smoothness of the surface of the jack, so some non-standard manufacturers produce jacks with very rough surfaces. Surface spraying is a method of applying resin and pigments onto the surface of an object. Coatings can be applied by immersion, spray coating, lacquer coating, spin coating, or even vacuum coating, and then cured into a film by exposure to ultraviolet photons. It belongs to machine spraying, with fast curing speed, uniform application area, and moderate application force, so the surface looks smoother and smoother.

It should be noted that regardless of the spraying method used for the horizontal pneumatic jack, the paint should not be peeled off, otherwise it will accelerate its oxidation rate.



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