Guanhang Machinery

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How is the operation of the rack jack carried out

Time:2024-08-08 Author:gh-jacks

Spiral jack is a typical representative of mechanical jack. In addition to spiral jack, there is another widely used jack, which is rack jack. As we all know, the working principle of mechanical jack is achieved through the interaction force between mechanical components. Spiral jack is driven by the meshing transmission of gears to push the spiral transmission. So what is the operating principle of rack jack?

The working principle of a rack jack is to use manpower to drive the rack to lift a heavy object through a lever and gears. When in use, the lever of the jack is pressed down by hand. At this time, the pawl at the front end of the lever will press against one tooth of the rack to lift the rack upwards until the other pawl is embedded in the next tooth of the rack. Then, the lever can be picked up by hand to clamp the pawl at the front end onto the next tooth. This process repeats, and the heavy object is lifted up.

This is the operating principle of the rack jack. If you want to learn more about the rack jack, please contact us.



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