Guanhang Machinery

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What are the special functions of the spring assembly of the claw jack

Time:2024-07-31 Author:gh-jacks

Lifting equipment with hydraulic systems share a common feature, which is that after turning the pressure relief valve, the lifting part will accelerate its return under load, while the return under no-load conditions is much slower. This is exactly the case with hydraulic jacks.

Claw jack belongs to a special form of hydraulic jack. Claw jack has a special component, which is the spring structure on both sides. When we press the handle, the springs on both sides will start to stretch from the initial state and return to the initial state after returning. So, what is the purpose of these two springs?

It's actually quite simple. The spring assembly is designed to accelerate the return of the claw jack. When the pressure relief valve is unscrewed from the claw jack, the sleeve will return to its initial position more quickly under the dual force of gravity and the contraction of the spring assembly, greatly improving the efficiency of the claw jack.

At the same time, the spring group can effectively control the lifting speed of the claw jack during the lifting process, thereby ensuring the safe operation of the claw jack. It can be seen that the spring assembly of the claw jack plays a very important role in its operation.



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