Guanhang Machinery

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How to use a screw jack in the horizontal direction

Time:2024-07-31 Author:gh-jacks

Spiral jacks are usually used to lift or support heavy objects, while when used horizontally, they can be used to push or pull objects. Their application areas mainly focus on pipeline installation, equipment installation, and other aspects. The following are the steps for using a jack in a horizontal direction:

1. Preparation work: Determine the weight of the object that needs to be moved or pushed, ensuring that the load of the jack can withstand the weight of the object.

2. Place the jack: Place the jack at the bottom or side of the object, ensuring that its top is in contact with the object. If the height of the jack body is not enough, place shims or blocks at the bottom of the jack to increase stability.

3. Adjust height: Rotate the handle of the jack clockwise and shake it continuously until the jack pushes the heavy object to the designated position.

Whether using a screw jack horizontally or vertically, there is no significant difference in the operation steps. The only difference is that when shaking the jack handle horizontally, it is necessary to find a suitable standing position, and shaking the handle is also more laborious.



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