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Introduction to pneumatic jack products

Time:2024-01-02 Author:gh-jacks

Most people have only heard of pneumatic jacks, but are not familiar with pneumatic jacks themselves. In fact, in most people's understanding, pneumatic jacks are the third type of jack besides hydraulic jacks and mechanical jacks. However, if you truly understand pneumatic jacks, you will find that this is not the case.

Pneumatic jacks are just another type of transmission method in addition to hydraulic and screw transmission principles, which is more pronounced in their names. In fact, what people often refer to as pneumatic jacks is not that. The word pneumatic for pneumatic jacks represents a driving method rather than a driving principle.

At present, the vast majority of pneumatic jacks use the well-known hydraulic transmission principle, and the generation of hydraulic transmission is completed under air pressure, and the working principle is not related to air pressure transmission. Similar to electric jacks, electric jacks can be either hydraulic jacks or screw jacks.

This is the truth about pneumatic jacks. In many places, there is also a term for pneumatic jacks, which is pneumatic hydraulic jack, which further demonstrates its working principle.



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