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The reason for the noise caused by the lifting of heavy objects with screw jacks

Time:2023-09-11 Author:gh-jacks

1. Insufficient lubrication: The screw jack adopts a spiral transmission, which rotates and lifts the screw thread. The entire process is the interaction between mechanical components. If the thread lubrication is insufficient, the friction force during the transmission process will increase, and the noise during this transmission process will be very obvious.

2. Thread wear: The process of screw transmission is a continuous loss process for the screw, and repeated over a long period of time can easily lead to thread damage. Once the thread is damaged, it means that the transmission "track" is broken. Even if the lubrication effect is handled well, it will still make noise due to poor transmission.

3. Material issue: If the components or materials of the screw jack are of poor quality, it may also cause noise, especially in the gear and screw parts. The gear and screw are the most important mechanical transmission parts of the entire jack, and quality issues may cause noise between mechanical components.

4. Incorrect use: The screw jack needs to be used correctly during operation. If used improperly, such as uneven or excessive force, it may cause friction and noise between components.



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