Guanhang Machinery

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What is the reason for the slow lifting speed of hydraulic jack

Time:2022-12-13 Author:gh-jacks

The hydraulic jack may slow down when it is used for a long time. What is the reason for this? Now Guanhang will give you answers from these four aspects.

First, the sealing ring on the piston of the oil cylinder fails or is damaged, the hydraulic cylinder leaks internally, and the pressure cannot be guaranteed, so the speed of lifting and lowering will slow down; Second, the hydraulic cylinder is large, but the pipe or gas valve is too small to meet the flow requirements, so the lifting speed becomes slow; Third, the oil return filter element was not cleaned in time, resulting in blockage, which led to slow reaction; Fourth, the overflow valve failed and the system pressure failed to meet the requirements.

When your hydraulic jack slows down during use, you can first troubleshoot the problem from the above points. If the problem still cannot be solved, you can call us for advice.



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