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How mechanical jacks lift tons of heavy objects

Time:2022-11-08 Author:gh-jacks

Many people are curious about the working principle of the mechanical jack. How does such a small thing lift a ton of heavy objects? Next, we will conduct a simple science popularization for you

In fact, the working principle of the screw drive is very simple. The screw drive is a mechanical drive that uses the engagement of the screw and nut to transmit power and motion. It is mainly used to convert rotary motion into linear motion and torque into thrust, thus saving labor.

The design of the mechanical jack is based on the screw transmission principle. When we repeatedly press the handle, the whole nut will spiral around the screw, converting torque into thrust to push a few tons or even a dozen tons of weight up.

This is the principle of screw transmission of mechanical jacks, which also has extremely excellent performance in lifting operations. Compared with hydraulic transmission, the mechanical jacks with screw transmission have better pressure holding capacity, and have outstanding performance in individual lifting and compression resistance operations.



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