Guanhang Machinery

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Do not use the jack carelessly

Time:2022-09-09 Author:gh-jacks

Some time ago, it was reported that a safety accident occurred in a certain city. A repairman at the scene of the accident was pressed under the car because the jack was not fixed properly. Through the efforts of several firefighters, the trapped people were successfully rescued.

This incident makes us understand that no matter how experienced a person is, he can't give his safety to a mechanical device. And the normal operation of the jack is also a big chip to ensure our life safety.

When using the jack, the stability of the jack base must be ensured, and the jack is easy to stand unsteadily on the pothole ground. At this time, it is necessary to help with sleeper or steel plate bedding and stabilize the base of the jack, which is the premise of safe operation.

Therefore, we must eliminate all hidden dangers before using the jack for operation, so that we can control safety in our own hands.



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