Guanhang Machinery

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Jack must be brought when traveling in rainy season

Time:2022-05-30 Author:gh-jacks

During this period, the country gradually entered the rainy season, and many non paved roads became muddy with the increase of rain. This has brought us a huge problem, that is, it is more difficult to pass through the road, and then there will be various situations such as car sinking and bottom supporting.

If you are about to start a long-distance trip, you must bring the trailer rope, trailer hook, small jack and escape board. Trailer rope and trailer hook are the most common tools for getting rid of difficulties. In some extreme cases, pulling the car with a car is the best. The jack can raise the car when supporting the bottom to facilitate the removal of debris under the chassis. The escape board can be placed at the front of the tire to bring grip to the tire.



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